Obedience is Better than Sacrifice
Have you ever felt God asking you to do something that you don't really want to do. It's almost a deep burning inside that physically pushes you to complete what is being asked. What's worst is when it's something that we know will be completely humbling or embarrassing (in our eyes). I had an experience like this that to this day has still affected me. My obedience to what God was asking was something of an embarrassing nature, but I knew it needed to be done.
A while ago Michelle and I were eating some dinner at Cracker Barrel. We were enjoying our food when I looked across the room at a gentleman sitting and eating alone. I got a check in my spirit regarding this man; the Lord was telling me to offer this guy 10 bucks to help pay for his meal. I kept pushing it aside thinking that it was only because I saw him alone and felt bad. Michelle and I finished our meals, paid, and got in our car. I started the car, started to drive, then hit the brake! That burning inside was so incredibly intense that I knew I had to go and talk to this guy. I got out of the car, heart racing, and looked for the gentleman that was sitting alone. He was no longer eating, had just finished up paying for his meal and was heading towards the bathroom. I walked over and intercepted him before he walked in. I said, "Sir, I know this is going to seem really strange and weird but I feel like I need to give you this money." You should've seen this guys face; completely freaked out! His reply, "What!?". I said, "You don't have to take it, but I really want you to because I really feel like I should give it to you". He answered by saying, "No, this is weird I don't want your money". I was so incredibly embarrassed and humbled that I just looked at him and said, "Ok, you sure?". He was adamantly giving me a no. I turned around, walked out, got in the car, and looked at Michelle completely confused about what just happened.
I was sitting there telling Michelle what had just happened, trying to piece together why the Lord would ask me to do something only to get completely rejected. Then Michelle reminded me about 1 Samuel 15:22 when it Says, "...Obedience is better than sacrifice." I realized that my obedience was what the Lord was looking for. Sometimes we are living in a season of preparation, a season that is meant to get us ready for what the Lord has ahead for us. I hope I planted a seed for that guy with my kindness, but either way my obedience was planting a seed in me; a seed that I hope is still growing to this day!
In the coming weeks I received an amazing confirmation! I was sitting in church and we had a guest speaker who had experienced a similar situation. He was saying how the Lord had asked him to do something, and like me, he got completely rejected. He was explaining that he knew how it was God looking for his obedience in that moment. I was so encouraged by it, and was able to confirm that this was what the Lord was doing in me.
I want to encourage you to not only hear, but listen to what the Lord is telling you. Sometimes he speaks to us in different ways and although we may hear him, we don't always listen. Your obedience is better than sacrifice to the Lord, so don't be discouraged if your obedience goes a direction different than you envisioned it. Maybe your planting a seed in someones life, or maybe the Lord's planting a seed in you.
Well done. That's exactly what "following" is.