A New Chapter

   Michelle and I are about to experience one of life's greatest miracles; the birth of our first born.   The excitement and anticipation is building to what feels like a balloon about to burst.  Having nieces, nephews and friends with kids, I've been able to see the changes that take place in the parents lives from the outside in.  I'm looking forward to experiencing all these changes from the inside!  It's a strange feeling I must admit, to know that something is about to happen that will totally rock my world (in a great way).  My heart longs to be the best dad ever and always raise my child in the ways of God.  This got me thinking about God's child and the hard decisions he had to make for his son. 

    Imagine knowing that your sending your son to earth (bad enough) to die.  Imagine the pain and the heartache to know that your child is going to be the sacrifice for all mankind.  I can't even  comprehend how God must have felt when Jesus asked him to take another route.  Luke 22:42 says, 42 ...“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”  Jesus understood what needed to be done, but even he hoped that another route could be taken.  I don't have the first hand experience in raising a child just yet, but to know the love the Lord had for his own son, and the love Jesus had for me to go through with it, is enough to show me that I need to raise my child in the things of the Lord.  Proverbs 22:6 says, 6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."  Michelle and I are both committed to raising our daughter with the priciples and ideologies of Christ, heeding to the Word of the Lord for guidance and instruction. 

    God knew the direction needed for his son, the necessity for his death.  Jesus needed to die so that you and I could have eternal life.  God is also my father, and he has loved me unconditionally regardless of my choices and mistakes.  For my children, I pray they make the right decisions in life but just as my father in heaven has loved me, so will I love my children.  I will speak positive to them and I will sacrifice whatever is necessary for their needs.

    For as long as I can remeber, my mother always said to me that I would never know a day when she didn't love me.  She didn't lie, even though I'm sure there were days I got on her last nerve, she and my father always have loved me.  They are great examples of how parents should be.  I'm sure there will be many things I'll do the same as them and some a bit different, but the number one thing I know I'll take from my parents is to always tell my children I love them. 

     The best word that could some up how I feel right now is "Honored".  I'm honored that the Lord has chosen me to raise a child in this world, and also who he is allowing me to raise them with.  My wife is literally the most kind and beautiful woman I have ever met.  Most of all, the thing I know about my wife, she will always put God first in her life; and always keep me in check ;).  I look forward to the first cry, the sleepless nights (ask me this in a month though), the first steps, the dedication to Christ, the first and last days of school, the wedding day; I look forward to the new chapter of life - Write away Lord!



  1. Nice to write this just two days before baby is born! Exciting times!


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